Thursday, December 22, 2011

Crunch time!

     Crunch time i.e. not a figure of speech but an actual panicked feeling you get when you know it's closer to the end date.  Do you remember the time when you were a younger and the high dive looked obtainable, so you decided to go up there and show everyone who is boss?  Some people would jump off without any hesitation.  They would just walk, run, or jump off like they were born to fly. Like my new sister in-law Keena, who when we went cliff jumping walked off the edge of a fifty-five foot cliff like she was walking down stairs.  Then there are some like me who eye up the cliff or the high dive.  I think its not so big I can do this.  I climb up the stairs and look over the edge.  The view from above is knee shaking.  Like during our cliff jumping excursion.  I was only twenty-five feet up.  Not that high really. I would walk to the end to jump and fail miserably.  I just couldn't force myself over. Repeatedly I would walk or try running to the edge to jump off with little success.  Finally I give up and head back down then stop and run/fling myself off.  See in order for me to jump I have to trick my mind and body.  This is what it's going to be like the day that I leave for Italy.  I'm going to want to cry, beg to not go.  Then I'll plunge head first.  I feel like this is really how my life is.  I have goals to travel, try new things no matter what.  But when perched on the ledge I can't jump.  I have to trick myself, ironically into doing it. 
    I might be writing this for the void that is space merely to keep my sanity while I'm gone, but for me this is my life.  This is what I am thinking about.. All my failures, mistakes, and my triumphs.  I'm going there to learn something about myself, and mainly to grow.  I feel like I'll be twenty-one in January and my lists of success are minimal.  I'm trying not to have some pity party, but for reals I just feel like I'm not going anywhere fast.  Everyone moves through life at different speeds, and I've been given the slow motion button. 
    Another secret I'll divulge is the fact that I would totally be okay marrying an Italian that I met in Italy.  Although granted my list of what he has to have is fairly long so any possibility of dating someone is slim.  All I want is LDS, fairly tall, worthy and handsome young man. 
    Randomly  I'm still trying to figure this whole blog things so patience is key. Thank you for reading this.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Light Speed

Less then a month away! Italy is less than a month away.  I'm torn between feeling extreme anxiety, and euphoria.  The part of me that's anxious is screaming what have you done! Your going to a foreign country where you don't speak the language, and taking care of kids! What about your job, SCHOOL, and friends?  The other part of me that's super excited is okay with all the unknown.  So full speed ahead in this Italian voyage.  Hopefully I learn a lot about myself and really enjoy doing it.   I am now on a time warp as everything is moving faster.  My older brother, Kelly, just got married, in a week basically it's Christmas. 
I'm hoping in all honesty that this blog is a way to write my feelings of preparation and adventures in Italy.  This is phase one of my plan.  The planning before departure. 
Steps to success in this endeavor.
1. research the area where I am about to move to.
2. pick up all items that fit into the "just in case pile"
3. pack attire,
4. pack up room and try not to cry
5. the most important part is watch lots of movies based in Italy!!!
6. Lastly calm myself down.

How hard can it be to fly to a foreign country and live for a while?  I don't think reality has truly hit me yet.  
Just in case I don't find time between now and next week, I will post awesome pictures of me in my final project for theater.  Which was to make a costume out of used materials.  It's super awesome. Imagine wings out of old records awesome.  Yup!
Ciao till next time!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Introductions and Chaos


Details are great in the eye of the beholder, and I have seen a lot.  Okay so let me first introduce myself and let me explain why I've decided to join the blogging world.  My name is Tessa, I'm twenty going to be twenty-one during the adventure as my birthday is in January.  I enjoy simple things of hiking, biking, surfing/bogey-boarding, horse-back riding, reading, sewing, and painting.  I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints or LDS (mormons).  Just an average Joe really.  Currently I'm going to school at the University of Utah, planning on going into nursing. I feel like this is an accurate introduction and anymore information will probably come out later in blogs.
The beginning of the love of traveling came from my mother and stories of my great grandma and her sisters.  I grew up hearing stories of my great grandma and her sisters travels to other countries and I admired it a lot.  I basically grew up in Oregon and travel the 16-18 depending on bladder strength to the Oregon coast.  (for Samantha Sappenfield its the OLD OREGON TRAIL as said in a crazy voice) Next my mom wasn't helping my love of travel by taking me my junior year of high school to England.  That was some of the best times spent with my mom that of course I didn't appreciate then until now.  Just reminiscing about being lost in Bath, England, and seeing Stratford and Avon.  Being in the Eye, and the Tower of London.  Admiring the crown jewels while trying to make the guards laugh, oh good times!  Next I was fortunate enough the summer before my senior year I went with a group of friends and my favorite English teacher to England again, Scotland, and Wales.  Another fond memory that I actually appreciated then and now.  I can still remember all the detail and loved every second of it. Then a couple of cruises with the family and recently Mexico this past summer.  Yes I love to travel! My goal is to see the world, and yes I will accomplish this.
Have I lost you so far?
Are you falling asleep?
Okay so this next part is chaos.
If you don't know my family we are accident prone, random, crazy and just chaotic.  That is kind of how I ended up here planning on moving to Italy in a month basically.  It started with a random question to myself of, "am I living life how I want to right now? Am I going to be content in five years from now when hopefully I have kids? Is Nursing really what I want to do?" Well if that's not a little self searching craziness for you.  So my answer to those questions was no, actually I want to travel some more and frankly and worn out from school and work.  Next step was what do I do about wanting to travel and still be progressively moving forward in life.  Because that's what we want to keep doing right is always move forward. I don't know about anyone else but that's kind of my goal is to always become better, always move forward, and always serve others.  Through some of my contacts mainly Allie Dopp who is amazing just p.s. I found a website to be an Au pair.  An au pair is kind of like a nanny in a sense, but I'm not certified, I just teach the kinds English and play with them while getting paid.  Who doesn't want to do that while traveling. Am I rambling on? Long and short of it is that I logged on to this website made a profile and within five days had over 75 families wanting me to come live with them in Europe.  Through much prayer I found the family I am going to stay with and am moving to Italy January 8, 2012.  Yes I am nervous needless to say with no Italian background.  But that's why I'm going to do it.  I want to look back on my life and say I took risks, and I became strong through this trial. 
This blog is a journal to everyone about my travels, and experiences.  Hopefully I can make you laugh, you can enjoy my mistakes and blunders, and through me can experience the journey that I am about to under go. 
