Friday, February 24, 2012

Mom's visit

Sorry its been a while.  I've been a little busy. Yes, my mom arrived here and left here safely, although I called her and she hasn't picked up yet I'm assuming she made it home okay..... 
Let me start from my train ride.  I caught a train to Verona to meet my mom at the station.  Once I arrived in Verona I waited on a freezing cold bench for my mom.  I waited, and waited, and waited.  I periodically tried calling and texting her phone with no reply.  Finally I was becoming anxious at the thought that maybe something had happened because there was no reply and an hour had passed since she was suppose to be at the station.  I was so worried that I texted her a comment that would definitely warrant a comment from my mother particularly scolding me, anything would be nice, just so I know that she is still alive.  She thankfully called me after the text saying she would be there soon.  Good, because my bum was frozen on that bench.  I was trying to keep body warmth at that point.  When she came into the station, I was incredibly happy.  Believe it or not, but I really needed her here even though it was short.  I have been so stressed with driving clutch and lonely.  We bought tickets back to Trento, and rode back.  We then caught a bus up to the house.  The family left that morning so the house was empty when we arrived.  I made lunch for the both of us.  We were starved.  Notice I made food.  It was edible, and even good.  Starving here as compelled me into cooking food for myself when I can find it.  We went back into town, and I took her to the grocery store.  Okay so they don't have grocery stores like America has.  There largest grocery store is a tiny one room with not a lot inside.  Oh yeah! Before we went to the grocery store I showed her the city center in Trento.  Mostly this visit was a lot of walking.  If you enjoy walking the Italy is your kind of place.  We carried the groceries home, after another bus ride.  I think I was more tired than my mom was even after all of those plane rides.  We then planned our trip to Venice.  With lots of searching we found a hotel/hostel close to San Marco Piazza.  Saturday was castle day! We went to the castle here in Trento.  Which was very beautiful, I hadn't gone inside until then.  We walked around a little bit more after the castle.  Then I took her to a pizzaria where they have delicious pizza.  We ate ourselves sick with whole pizza's each.  We came back to the house via a bus.  Then of course I crashed for another nap.  I have no idea what my problem was.  I was exhausted and needed to sleep I guess, but it seemed like I was always tired.  We then went out again in the late afternoon for hot chocolate.  I don't think mom liked it as much as I did.  The cafe that we went to serves very rich, very thick, and not semi-sweet hot chocolate.  I love it!  I could have five, then become incredibly sick.  Sunday was a furry of travel to Venice.  We caught a train to Verona again, then ran for a connection to Venice.  Last weekend was Carnival weekend (right before lent)  so Venice was jammed packed with people! Holy cow, the streets were so crowded.  We walked the longest way possible from the train station through narrow narrow streets to get to San Marco.  The walk took like two hours of walking through side streets and over bridges, in the shoving crowd of people.  Everyone was wearing masks, or silly costumes, there was a costume contest in the piazza where people dress to the nines in old 16th century clothing.  It was incredible.  Mom and I stopped to get a breather in a mask shoppe.  Just a nook in the wall really, but we found two masks that were beautiful.  Then we too joined the masked crowd of people to San Marco.  Once we found San Marco, and its thousands of people.  The next move was to find our hotel.  Our hotel was a tiny one star a couple off side streets away from the main square.  To say it was a one-star doesn't quite put into perspective the hotel.  It was more of a hostel, with two bathrooms that everyone shared.  Paper thin walls, and no locks on the door.  It was boiling hot inside the room, and the mattress with thin sheets draped over it did little to comfort you. We dropped off our stuff and went back out into the crazy busy streets.  We found a restaurant tucked back onto a separate street that was delicious!  Very good Italian food.  Then we made our way back to San Marco's Piazza where we danced to the loud music, and mostly just people watched.  We had gelatto in the square then decided that the crowd was getting a little out of control so we made our way back to the hotel.  Let me just tell you that, that was the longest night of my life!  I kept waking up feeling like it should be morning, but only ten minutes had passed. All night loud people were coming into the hotel.  After the restless night we woke, and went out into the cold.  The warm sunny day before had turned into a cold rainy/snowy Venice day.  We made our way back to San Marco Piazza where we had delicious chocolate filled croissants and hot chocolate.  Mom and I split up, I went to the Cathedral in San Marco's and mom went to find Milano glass factory.  We were so early that neither had opened up.  I waited in a long line in the freezing cold until they opened the doors.  I walked into a dimly lit cathedral that was beautiful in a different sense.  It was a cold beauty where gold was covering the ceiling and many crucifix, but not a peaceful beauty.  I felt transported to a harsh view of Christ's life.  It was a monument to man's triumph and riches more than a church.  Mom and I met up again down by the water taxi station.  We hopped onto a water taxi and braved the choppy water.  I'm just glad that mom didn't get sea-sick again.   Back at the train station we were freezing, so we sat down on a train leaving for Verona, but missed the correct train and ended up waiting an hour in the train.  Finally back in Verona we caught another train with an hour wait to Trento.  It seemed like Monday was primarily focused on traveling back to Trento.  We came home tired, made dinner and crumb cake.  (crumb cake is my favorite food)  I put mom to bed, as she feel asleep in another movie.  Tuesday we went into the town met the missionaries.  We had pizza together with the missionaries and just talked.  It was nice to have my mom finally meet the two people responsible for saving my sanity on a number of occasions.  We came home and frantically put the house in order, made a cold dinner, and waited for the family to come home.  When they arrived it was so cute.  Bea, and Gabriele were so excited to meet my mom.  They wanted to show her everything.  Their toys, how they play soccer, and everything.  It was very cute.  Bea clung onto my mom, and woke early Wednesday to see her.  I drove Gabriele to school then came back to get ready.  Mom and I walked around Trento and shopped.  We found amazing shoes! When we came back to the house Ilaria had made a delicious lunch.  We ate and talked.  Then we took my mom down to meet Carlo's parents.  I love Carlo's parents, they are very sweet and funny.  Nonna (grandmother)  made my mom a delicious cake.  We talked and laughed some more.  Then it was time for my mom to go to the train station.  Carlo's drove us in his car.  He showed my mom how he's a crazy Italian driver scaring both of us senseless.  I hugged my mom goodbye.  It was hard to say goodbye that time.  It made me homesick, and I contemplated leaving with her.  I miss you mom, and family very much.  Thank you dad for letting mom come.  It really meant a lot to me. 

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