Saturday, January 14, 2012

My mom might just kill me for this one

Here is some photos of the house.   The one with the wood blocks is the stairs that go up to the play room, and where Ilaria's office is.  Beatrice came down with the chicken pox and bad so She is home sick, as well as Carlos became sick.  I feel bad and I hope that it's not from me.  So I went into town today first with Ilaria, where I finally got my library card yay!  We then had the most delicious hot chocolate you wouldn't believe.  It's not like American hot chocolate at all.  It's solid chocolate melted, so thick and creamy rich that it would make our hot chocolate look like ashes and water.  Next we picked up some groceries and came home.  I have been texting Alfred only a couple times, but he wanted to come to Trento to meet me for coffee or something.  So After lunch I took the bus for the first time into the city center of Trento.  The whole time I was on the bus I felt like a complete idiot.  I had no idea really what I was doing, and less of an idea of where to get off.  So feeling very obvious I choose a random spot that looked like it was close to the plaza and got off.  I started walking.  Of course I had the general gist of where I should go.  I kept walking, more of a sauntering at a fast pace trying not to look too out of place.  Blend in, blend in I kept chanting to myself, and what the heck am I doing meet a complete stranger.  I'm lost, so I kept walking till I heard someone mention something in an accented English.  I turned to them and said "excusi where is the center plaza?" they pointed back the way I came and to the left.  So I turned around embarrassed and headed off that direction.  I took some pictures which I will try to post later that were beautiful.  I waited at the fountain in the center of the plaza for Alfred.  I waited ten minutes then decided to go to the library to grab a book.  Once in the library, that is basically the only place I know how to get to, I found in there small English section a book to read.  Walked back to the plaza and started reading.  This is the part my mom will most likely kill me.  Alfred came.  He of course didn't speak any English, and me, my Italian is uno pocco meaning very little.  We then started an awkward conversation through a translator on his phone.  We walked into a cafe and I said water please. Back and forth with the phone translator.  I found out he's from Albanese, which I had no idea what or where that is from.  So no he is not Italian.  :( He then through translator told me he would drive me home, which thankfully I kept mentioning the family I work for and needing to leave.  Yes I got into a strangers car.  I didn't feel any strong feelings of don't do it, but I did feel like I needed to be extremely careful.  He drove like a grandma, and definitely not one from Italy.  So slow, finally we arrived not at the house by kind of close enough that I could walk but he wouldn't know exactly what house was mine.  I thanked him and got out of the car.  Once I got home, I asked Ilaria where is Albanese and about Alfred.  She told me to be careful because they are Muslim and believe in different things etc.  Needless to say talking to Alfred is no more. I'm okay with that, I felt like I needed to not see him any more. 


  1. Please remember this is not Centerville. The angels are watching out for you. You are in my prayers and thoughts, have a great time love every minute. This should be a great memeory for you. Love Grandma Bev

  2. This is your graying mother. . .Tessa, you have been blessed with guardian angels, just don't over work them. Dad and I are praying for your safety, now its up to you to do your part. Keep a prayer in your heart at all times and keep the Holy Ghost close. The pictures are gorgeous!! Have a wonderful time, make memories to last an eternity. We love you immensely!!

  3. Reading those comments reminded me so much of my parents concerns too, be careful and have so many wonderful experiences :) Those pictures were gorgeous I love your new home! You will probably meet quite a few Albanians and Muslims and actually find them to be some of the kindest people! Its too bad that the term has negative connotations but in my experience some of the Muslim men I met were incredibly respectful. It sounds like you made a good decision about Alfred though for your own reasons :) I'm so proud of you and how brave you are with this new crazy experience. Be careful and Enjoy every minute hun!
