Monday, January 30, 2012

Treasure Hunt

Today was the day of the treasure hunt which the kids earned with five smiley faces.  It was a nice change for once, no more struggling in the morning with screaming kids.  Although every once in a while they lapse back into screaming because everyone has those days.  I hand painted a treasure map for which I'm super proud of my artistic skills.  Then I painted three clues and hid them around the house matching the map.  I ran into town for an hour this afternoon to buy some candy for the treasure.  The kids had so much fun finding the treasure, that they took turns hiding it and finding it again. Needless to say that the hunt was a big success! Then we played a board game with Carlos. Carlos is an exceptional dad, he's very involved with the children and very funny. 
My back has been killing me today, I don't know why.  Hopefully the package that my mom sent will come soon, it will be nice to get the pictures of the family to hang on my walls.  I'm collecting train tickets, and odds and ends from the activities that I do with the children to make a scrap book of memories. 

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